Patent data is collected and provided by IFI Claims, a Digital Science company.
Which patent offices are covered?
The data from IFI Claims aggregates information from various sources, including:
- Bibliographic data from DocDB, the European Patent Office's (EPO) master documentation database covering data from over 100 countries.
- Legal status from INPADOC, an event database produced by the EPO and covering over 50 international patent authorities.
- Bibliographic and full text data from national patent offices as described in this table. You can filter by patent office / country via the "Jurisdiction" filter on the left-hand side when looking at patents in Dimensions (subscription required).
- The top 10 jurisdictions by number of patents in Dimensions are: China, Japan, United States, Germany, EPO, South Korea, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), United Kingdom, France, Australia.
Available data for patents
Details page field | Description |
Patent title, publication type, jurisdiction and ID and dates | e.g. Application US-20140263541-A1, Jurisdiction=US, ID=20140263541-A1 |
Abstract | Abstract of the record, if available |
Figures | Images and drawings that illustrate the technical details of an invention |
Description | The area of technology to which the invention relates and the advantages the invention offers. The text contains a description of at least one way of implementing the invention claimed and an explanation of its commercial use. |
Claims | The parts of the patent that define the scope of the legal protection sought for the invention. The description and figures are used to interpret the claims. |
Also part of this family | A single invention can be the subject of a patent application in many different countries. These related applications are known as corresponding documents (or "equivalents") and you will find them under the "Also part of this family" heading. Tip: You can also tick 'Group by family' on the patent search page to quickly browse results (grouping is limited to search results and does not apply to filters or analytical views). |
Patent references | Patents in Dimensions cited by this record |
Publication references | Publications in Dimensions cited by this record (= non-patent citation (NPCs)); note: these are sometimes added after the application, e.g. by an examiner at the patent office, and may therefore not be mentioned anywhere in the patent's full text |
Supporting grants | Grants funding this record, if available and if the grants are also in Dimensions |
Patent citations | Patents in Dimensions citing this record |
Legal events | Legal events related to this record, listed chronologically |
Full text | Linkout to the full text (usually PDF) of the full text of the record |
Inventor | Person(s) designated as the inventor(s) in the patent application |
Original / current Assignee | The organisation that has been assigned the patent |
Status | Legal status data relates to information on the events during the lifetime of a patent application, such as granted, active, expired, pending or withdrawn (definitions) |
Expires | Date when the patents will eventually expire |
Document history | This section displays the publication, filing and priority date of the patent. - The filing date of an application is the date on which it was validly filed, i.e. was deemed to fulfil the filing requirements concerned. In Dimensions you can find the filing date in the Document history. - The publication date is the date on which a patent application is first published. It is the date on which the document is made available to the public, thereby making it part of the state of the art. - The priority date is the filing date of the very first patent application for a specific invention. |
Funded by | Name(s) of the supporting funder(s), if available and if the funders are also in Dimensions |
Research Categories | Research categories (e.g. Fields of Research) of this patent |
Patent Categories | IPCR and CPC categories of this patent (details) |
External sources | Linkout to the record on the source patent office's website |