The Dimensions Badge Details Pages can be accessed through any Dimensions Badge, simply by clicking on the Badge or its legend.

Each publication shown in Dimensions has its own Dimensions Badge Details Page, which contains information about four citation-related metrics (see Table 2 below) and also additional information about citing publications and citing research categories. Each Dimensions Badge Details Page is made up of a main Summary tab, a Citations tab, and a Citing Research Categories tab. Depending on whether or not the publication actually has any metrics at all (the citation count could be 0), not all of the tabs may have information inside.

The Dimensions Badges (and accompanying Dimensions Badge Details Pages) include four metrics: total citations, recent citations, Field Citation Ratio (FCR), and Relative Citation Ratio (RCR). An explanation of each of the four metrics is shown in the table below.

Table 2. Explanation of the four metrics on Dimensions Badge Details Pages

Metric    Description
Total citationsThis is the total number of times a publication has been cited. We count citations from the reference list in all publications that have been indexed by Dimensions.
Recent citationsThe recent citations value is the number of citations that were received in the last two calendar years.
Field Citation Ratio (FCR)The Field Citation Ratio (FCR) indicates the relative citation performance of an article, when compared to similarly-aged articles in its Fields of Research (FoR) subject area. The FCR is normalized to 1.0 for this selection of articles. An FCR value of more than 1.0 shows that the publication has a higher than average number of citations for its group (defined by its FoR Subject Code and age). Articles that are less than 2 years old do not have an FCR and will have an ‘n/a’ for FCR. An article with zero citations has an FCR of 0. The FCR is calculated for articles published in 2000 and later.
Relative Citation Ratio (RCR)The Relative Citation Ratio (RCR) is an article-level metric that indicates the relative citation performance of an article when compared to other articles in its area of research, as defined by the subject area of the articles that cite it. The RCR quantifies the influence of a research article by making novel use of this co-citation network to field-normalize the number of citations it has received.

The RCR is calculated and normalized to 1.0 for all articles funded by the NIH in the Dimensions catalog. At launch, it covers research funded by the NIH, but this will be extended in 2018. An RCR of more than 1.0 shows that a publication has an above average citation rate for its group, when defined by the subject area citation rates of the articles that have been cited with it. Articles that are less than 2 years old, or do not have citations, do not have an RCR.

The Dimensions Badge Details Page Summary Tab also displays some interpretative text,which is based on the Field Citation Ratio (FCR) for the publication.

Table 3. Interpretative text for Field Citation Ratio

Field Citation Ratio (FCR) value

Interpretative text on the Summary Tab

If FCR is very high

FCR >= 5

Compared to other publications in the same field,this publication is extremely highly cited and has received approximately %FCR times more citations than average.

If FCR is high

FCR >= 1.2

 Compared to other publications in the same field, this publication is highly cited and has received approximately %FCR times more citations than average.

If FCR is average

FCR >= 0.8

This publication has received about as many citations as you might expect, compared to the citation performance of other publications in the same field.

If FCR is low

fcr > 0

This publication has received %X of the citations you might expect to receive, considering the citation performance of other publications in the same field.

If FCR is unavailable, because the publication is less than 2 years old

It is too early to compare the number of citations this publication has received so far to other publications in the same field. Dimensions can usually start to do this two years after publication.

If FCR is unavailable for any other reason

Dimensions hasn't been able to calculate what an expected number of citations for this publication based on its field might be yet.

From any Dimensions Badge Details Page, users will be able to click on a button that reads “View more details in Dimensions” and directly to the publication’s record page within the Dimensions platform. If the user is already logged into Dimensions Plus or Dimensions Analytics, or if they are on a whitelisted IP range, they will be able to view the publication record in their enhanced version of Dimensions. Otherwise, users will see the free Dimensions platform by default. All the data from this tab comes directly from the Dimensions API.

Dimensions Badge Details Pages: Citations tab

On the Citations tab of the Dimensions Badge Details Pages, users can view a list of up to 3 recent citations of the publication, as well as a chart of citations over time.
In order to view the full list of citations, users should click on the “View in Dimensions” button, which will take them to the Dimensions platform.
All the data from this tab come directly from the Dimensions API.

Dimensions Badge Details Pages: Citing Research Categories tab

On the Citing Research Categories tab, users can view a pie visualisation (and accompanying data table) of the various research fields that are citing the publication. The visualisation is based on a simple count of the FoR Subject Codes of the citing publications. All the data from this tab come directly from the Dimensions API.